3 Most Disturbing Sports Fan Injury Incidents

Athlete injuries are part of pro sports, but most fans stay safe on the sidelines. These three spectators are the unfortunate exception as victims of some of the most disturbing sports fan injuries of all time.
The Flying Hot Dog

One Kansas City Royals fan took his case all the way to the Missouri Supreme Court after he was hit in the eye by a foil-wrapped hot dog. Royals mascot Sluggerrr threw the hot dog, which caused the victim to experience a detached retina and require eye surgery. Although the man sued for more than $20,000 in medical bills, the state sided with Sluggerrr.
The Falling Fan

A woman suffered a broken back at a Mets game when a fan of the opposing team fell on top of her while she was seated in the stands at Shea Stadium. The man who fell appeared to be intoxicated and was aggressive toward others in the stands before the incident. While the injured woman received a settlement from the Mets, the court threw out her suit against stadium security.
The Exploding Bat

At Dodgers Stadium, a woman suffered a shattered jaw when Todd Helton's maple bat exploded on impact. The victim suffered a concussion and required four plates and a metal screw to stabilize the jawbone. She also reported long-term issues with eating and breathing along with memory loss.