How To Perfect Your Golf Swing
Professional golfers take years to perfect their swing. Give yourself a head start with this easy method that focuses on posture and position. When you practice enough, the swing becomes an automatic movement that gives you an edge over the other players.
Don't overthink your swing. If you strive for technical perfection, you'll lose the intuition and spontaneity that ÷could win the game. Instead, use this technique as a starting point for your own method.
Grip and Posture
For a strong grip, hold the golf club upright with your left palm open. Rest the shaft against your fingers, then wrap them around the handle and place your thumb on top. Wrap your other hand around the shaft with your right thumb positioned over the left thumb.
Your stance is just as important as the swing. If you slouch or stand too stiffly, you could ruin your swing — or worse, injure yourself. Lean forward slightly and relax your knees, then loosely hang your arms in front of you. Bend from your hips when you swing the club.
The Backswing
If you're practicing at home, hold the club outward, then repeatedly practice your swing until the motion comes to you naturally. Try the swing without a target until you're ready to hit the ball. Keep your swing smooth and even so that you maintain your momentum until the club hits the mark.
When you swing, keep your weight on your right foot as you push off with the left. Twist so that your body faces the target after you hit the ball. Your body should stay balanced. If you struggle to keep upright, perform more practice swings until you maintain the right posture.
Try these techniques at home before your next game at the golf course.