High Paid Athletes Who Went Completely Broke
Sometimes, a million-dollar salary isn't enough. When some athletes hit the major leagues, they think the millions will keep pouring in forever — and they're in for a shock when their careers decline. These athletes blew through their fortunes, leaving them with massive amounts of debt and few assets to their names.
Mike Tyson - Million-Dollar Debt
Mike Tyson is so famous that it's hard to believe that he could ever squander his fortune. Unfortunately, the richer someone is, the more ridiculous their spending habits can be. Tyson blew millions of dollars on luxuries, like tigers and golden bathtubs, which forced him to file for bankruptcy in 2003.
Michael Vick - Fallen Star
Evidently, a record-breaking football career wasn't enough. Michael Vick went to jail in 2007 for his ties to a dog-fighting ring, which derailed his athletic career. While he was in prison, he filed for bankruptcy protection over debts between $10 and $50 million due to his lost salary and sponsorships.
O.J. Simpson - Horror Story
O. J. Simpson is so infamous that most people forget that he used to be an athlete. In addition to the murder trial that was one of the 20th century's biggest scandals, his financial troubles include over a million dollars in back taxes, money laundering accusations, and $33 million in damages.